Stress – Why Giving Yourself a Break Will Heal You

Stress is a normal part of life. However, when the stress response is triggered repeatedly, it can cause problems to your body. Aside from physical complications, psychological turmoil can damage your overall mental health. Taking a break from any stressful situations, whether from work or a relationship, can help you clear your mind and refocus your priorities in life.

Taking time out, whether it’s a 5-minute break in the middle of the day or going for run after work isn’t down time. Short breaks help reduce stress and re-energise us, resetting the brain so it can perform effectively, improve creativity and motivation.

There are several telltale signs that you’re burned out from a particular situation. If you spend most of your day feeling unmotivated, making careless mistakes and resenting everyone around, it might be time to think about taking a break from the demands of life.

Having A Break Can Prevent The Stress Cycle

Stress can pile up if left unresolved. A much-needed break can help interrupt the cycle of stress that overwhelms your life. It will also allow you to get your exhausted brain on track by allowing yourself to be restored physically and mentally on a healthier place, away from the source of your stress.

Time Out Can Kick-start Creativity

Stress can dampen productivity and can also take a hit on your creativity. If you’re bogged down from repeated stress, it can contribute to mild cognitive impairment and memory problems. A break can revamp your perspective and help you feel refreshed. This new outlook can provide increased creativity and sharper thinking. It will help you be more productive at jobs, be more available in a relationship and be more present with families.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

If you want to learn how to cope with stress, Hypnotherapy can help.  Relaxation and stress reduction techniques that a Hypnotherapist teaches you can help you to reprogram your thoughts around the cause of your stress and can help you see barriers from a fresh, clear and manageable perspective.

There are multiple reasons why someone may turn to Hypnotherapy to help overcome certain personal issues and improve their overall well-being.  With relaxation in mind, Hypnotherapy is often used as a method of dealing with cases of anxiety and depression. It can also be extremely beneficial when looking to conquer persistent fears and phobias, including fear of public speaking. This can be particularly useful for jobs that require you to perform and give presentations on a regular basis. Hypnotherapy can significantly benefit your overall mental well-being, therefore, helping to encourage positive thinking, improve self-confidence, and deal with stress.  There are also some physical issues that can be treated through a course of Hypnotherapy including IBS and Weight Management as well as medical conditions that are made worse by anxiety such as Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Hypnotherapy uses the power of positive suggestion to influence a change in our behaviour and the way we respond to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. It is a form of complementary therapy that uses talking therapy and hypnosis to help people make positive change, promote relaxation, and have a better quality of life. A recent ‘Clinical Review’ of hypnosis and relaxation therapies published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) looked at the existing research on hypnosis and concluded, ‘There is good evidence from randomised controlled trials that both hypnosis and relaxation techniques can reduce anxiety […]’, the same report also concluded that hypnosis was proven to be effective in treating panic attacks and phobia. (Vickers & Zollman, ‘Hypnosis and relaxation therapies,’ BMJ 1999;319: 1346-1349)

Annette Sloly is an experienced, Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Clifton Bristol. Over the years, she has worked with everyone from professionals suffering from stress to world-class artists looking to improve their performance.

If you are ready to manage stress and feel more at ease, then take the first step and book a consultation  at  Comfort Health Clinic in Clifton, Bristol.  Please contact  or 0117 214 0706 to make an appointment. Read about the sessions, recent  testimonials and keep up to date with recent blog posts  here.