Hypnotherapy for anxiety

Anxiety is a very natural thing, felt by all human beings. It can be experienced by anyone, and, like stress, it initiates a response that is commonly known as the fight or flight response. When you imagine that you are in some kind of danger or you imagine something dangerous could happen, the fight or flight response is activated. Anxiety is often a response to an imprecise or unknown threat.

Although most people experience a relatively mild form of anxiety when facing particularly stressful situations (such as a public speaking or presentations) anxiety can be so severe that it disrupts you going about your daily life in a calm, controlled way. Often, people choose to avoid situations that may raise their stress levels but this can lead to not being able to achieve their full potential or being unable to develop deeper personal relationships. Anxiety can manifest as panic attacks, constant worry, muscle tension, or butterflies in the stomach.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy uses the power of positive suggestion to influence a change in our behaviour and the way we respond to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. It is a form of ‘supplementary’ therapy that uses talking therapy and hypnosis to help people make positive change, promote relaxation, and have a better quality of life.

How can Hypnotherapy help with Anxiety?

There are many different ways of dealing with Anxiety, and Hypnotherapy is shown to be an effective approach. Following an extensive review of the existing literature on Hypnotherapy, the British Medical Association concluded that Hypnotherapy was not only effective but may be ‘the treatment of choice’ in dealing with anxiety (‘psychoneurosis’) and stress-related (‘psycho-somatic’) disorders.
Hypnotherapy helps to alleviate a variety of physical and psychological symptoms and when it comes to anxiety, it helps the individual to understand why it happens, and what they can do to manage it so they feel more ‘in control’. By using talking therapy and Hypnosis, we can learn to change thought patterns around the situation or event, which helps keep anxiety in check. Clients often talk about being able to see the ‘bigger picture’, and feel ‘more in control’ and ‘calmer’.

Annette Sloly is an experienced Registered Hypnotherapist based in Clifton, Bristol. She has worked with everyone from professionals suffering stress and a fear of public speaking, to world-class actors and musicians looking to improve their performance. Read about the sessions, recent testimonials and keep up to date with recent blog posts here. To take the first step please contact her on hello@annettesloly.com or 0117 214 0706 to book an initial consultation. Annette works in a friendly, relaxed clinic, Comfort Health in Clifton, Bristol. Alternatively, please fill in a contact form here.

“Annette has been fantastically helpful for me, straight from the first session I was sure that I’d made the right decision in booking a session. She has really helped me transform how I deal with stressful situations. I am now able to take a step back from challenges and think clearly in making decisions. In addition to this she’s helped me learn relaxation and mindfulness techniques, which have helped me to really develop a feeling of calmness and reduce anxiety. This has had an immense impact on my life as I feel I can now be myself in all situations, without anxiety holding me back.” Jack, 28, Manager