26 02, 2024

3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Health and Wellbeing During Your Working Day

By |2024-03-04T13:24:34+00:00February 26th, 2024|Bristol Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Bristol Hypnotherapist Confidence, Bristol Hypnotherapy, Bristol Hypnotherapy Confidence, Central Bristol Hypnotherapist, Clifton Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapist Confidence, Clifton Hypnotherapy Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapy Confidence, Confidence exercise, Goal Achievement, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hypnotherapy, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Positive self-reflection, positivity, resilience, Rest, Sleep, Therapy, Therapy Bristol, Therapy Clifton Bristol, Updates, Well-being, Wellbeing, Wellness, Work, Work Meetings, Work-related stress|Comments Off on 3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Health and Wellbeing During Your Working Day

In the midst of our bustling daily routines, finding a moment to reflect on our achievements and journey can be a profound catalyst for cultivating positivity. This introspective practice not only shapes self-confidence and determination but also lays the foundation for overall satisfaction in life. Join me in learning the fundamental steps for nurturing a positive mindset while reflecting on our journey and accomplishments.

6 02, 2024

The Power of Reflection: Cultivating Positivity through Acknowledging Achievements

By |2024-03-04T13:25:19+00:00February 6th, 2024|Bristol Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Bristol Hypnotherapist Confidence, Bristol Hypnotherapy, Bristol Hypnotherapy Confidence, Central Bristol Hypnotherapist, Clifton Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapist Confidence, Clifton Hypnotherapy Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapy Confidence, Confidence exercise, Goal Achievement, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hypnotherapy, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Positive self-reflection, positivity, resilience, Rest, Sleep, Therapy, Therapy Bristol, Therapy Clifton Bristol, Updates, Well-being, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on The Power of Reflection: Cultivating Positivity through Acknowledging Achievements

In the midst of our bustling daily routines, finding a moment to reflect on our achievements and journey can be a profound catalyst for cultivating positivity. This introspective practice not only shapes self-confidence and determination but also lays the foundation for overall satisfaction in life. Join me in learning the fundamental steps for nurturing a positive mindset while reflecting on our journey and accomplishments.

15 01, 2024

Embracing the Dry January Challenge: A Toast to Health and Resilience

By |2024-01-22T20:11:06+00:00January 15th, 2024|Alcohol, Anxiety, Bristol Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Bristol Hypnotherapist Confidence, Bristol Hypnotherapy, Bristol Hypnotherapy Confidence, Central Bristol Hypnotherapist, Clifton Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapist Confidence, Clifton Hypnotherapy Anxiety, Dry January, Goal Achievement, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hypnotherapy, Immune System, Lifestyle, Mental Health, positivity, resilience, Rest, Sleep, Updates, Well-being, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on Embracing the Dry January Challenge: A Toast to Health and Resilience

Let's take a moment to celebrate the big and small victories that adorned our journey in 2023. Whether it was conquering a personal goal, finding joy in simple pleasures, or revelling in moments of pure happiness, these instances added colour to the canvas of our lives. Reflecting on these accomplishments and opportunities for growth not only brings a smile to our faces but also serves as a powerful reminder of our ability to overcome challenges.

4 01, 2024

A Kindhearted Beginning: Supporting Mental Wellness in the New Year

By |2024-01-22T20:12:40+00:00January 4th, 2024|Anxiety, Bristol, Bristol Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Bristol Hypnotherapist Confidence, Bristol Hypnotherapy, Bristol Hypnotherapy Confidence, Central Bristol Hypnotherapist, Clifton, Clifton Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapist Confidence, Clifton Hypnotherapy Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapy Confidence, Confidence, Goal Achievement, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hypnotherapy, Immune System, Mental Health, positivity, Rest, Sleep, Social Anxiety, Stress, Updates, Well-being, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on A Kindhearted Beginning: Supporting Mental Wellness in the New Year

Let's take a moment to celebrate the big and small victories that adorned our journey in 2023. Whether it was conquering a personal goal, finding joy in simple pleasures, or revelling in moments of pure happiness, these instances added colour to the canvas of our lives. Reflecting on these accomplishments and opportunities for growth not only brings a smile to our faces but also serves as a powerful reminder of our ability to overcome challenges.

21 12, 2023

Finding Strength in Community and Self-Care: A Look Back at 2023

By |2024-02-03T17:44:15+00:00December 21st, 2023|Anxiety, Bristol, Bristol Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Bristol Hypnotherapist Confidence, Bristol Hypnotherapy, Bristol Hypnotherapy Confidence, Central Bristol Hypnotherapist, Clifton, Clifton Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapist Confidence, Clifton Hypnotherapy Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapy Confidence, Confidence, Goal Achievement, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hypnotherapy, Immune System, Mental Health, positivity, Rest, Sleep, Social Anxiety, Stress, Updates, Well-being, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on Finding Strength in Community and Self-Care: A Look Back at 2023

Let's take a moment to celebrate the big and small victories that adorned our journey in 2023. Whether it was conquering a personal goal, finding joy in simple pleasures, or revelling in moments of pure happiness, these instances added colour to the canvas of our lives. Reflecting on these accomplishments and opportunities for growth not only brings a smile to our faces but also serves as a powerful reminder of our ability to overcome challenges.

11 10, 2018

How To Make Criticism Work For You

By |2019-07-18T09:44:56+00:00October 11th, 2018|Anxiety, Bristol, Clifton, Confidence, Criticism, Fear, resilience, Updates, Well-being, Wellbeing, Wellness, Work, Work-related stress|Comments Off on How To Make Criticism Work For You

How To Make Criticism Work For You Are you the type of person who finds it difficult to handle criticism? Don't worry, you're not alone.  Here are some ways to help you make it work for your benefit and view it as a positive. Listen and keep an open mind. Listen to the feedback that [...]

9 05, 2018

Coping Strategies for Stress

By |2019-07-18T09:44:57+00:00May 9th, 2018|Anxiety, Depression, Health, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, Relaxation, resilience, Stress, Wellbeing, Wellness, Work-related stress|Comments Off on Coping Strategies for Stress

Coping Strategies for Stress According to the Mental Health Foundation, the UK is a 'stressed nation'. 74% of the UK felt 'overwhelmed or unable to cope' at some point in the past year. The good news is, that there is help out there, and we can learn ways to manage stress, cope better, and [...]

23 03, 2018

How to Develop a Healthy Perspective and Be More Positive

By |2019-07-18T09:44:58+00:00March 23rd, 2018|Bristol, Clifton, Fear, Hypnotherapy, Mental Health, positive, Positive Thinking, positivity, Updates, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on How to Develop a Healthy Perspective and Be More Positive

How to Develop a Healthy Perspective and Be More Positive We don't have to list numerous accounts of individuals who have found success in life and document the strategies that lead them to their current happy state. Most of the time the secret doesn't include luck or time aiding your side. You don't have to [...]

15 03, 2018

How to Sleep Better: Simple Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

By |2019-07-18T09:44:58+00:00March 15th, 2018|Anxiety, Brain, Bristol, Clifton, Fear, Health, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Immune System, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Neuroscience, Performance, Relaxation, Sleep, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on How to Sleep Better: Simple Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

How to Sleep Better : Simple Tips for a Good Night's Sleep Sleep plays an important role in physical and mental health. It is involved in healing, improves learning, and helps us to function at our best during the day. Lack of sleep can affect our daytime functioning, hormonal balance, appetite, and impair our immune [...]

9 01, 2018

New year, new you – using Hypnotherapy

By |2019-07-18T09:44:58+00:00January 9th, 2018|Anxiety, Bristol, Exercise, Health, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Oprah, Updates, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on New year, new you – using Hypnotherapy

New year, new you - using Hypnotherapy As we settle into the new year, many of us strive to leave any negative energy from the last year behind and get a fresh start in January. If you’re looking to begin 2018 with a renewed attitude and ready to make some positive changes to your life [...]




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