9 01, 2023

Practical Self-Care Strategies for Anxiety

By |2024-01-22T20:18:43+00:00January 9th, 2023|Anxiety, Bristol, Bristol Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Bristol Hypnotherapist Confidence, Bristol Hypnotherapy, Bristol Hypnotherapy Confidence, Central Bristol Hypnotherapist, Clifton, Clifton Hypnotherapist Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapist Confidence, Clifton Hypnotherapy Anxiety, Clifton Hypnotherapy Confidence, Confidence, Hypnotherapy, Mental Health, Nervous System, Relax, Relaxation, Rest, Sleep, Stress, Updates, Well-being, Wellbeing|Comments Off on Practical Self-Care Strategies for Anxiety

Practical Self-Care Strategies for Anxiety In addition to managing thoughts and talking about how you feel, there are some valuable things you can do to help improve how you manage anxiety; this is referred to as 'self-care.'

22 04, 2022

How to Activate the Vagus Nerve for Relaxation

By |2023-01-09T18:58:56+00:00April 22nd, 2022|Anxiety, Hypnotherapy, Mental Health, Nervous System, Relax, Relaxation, Rest, Stress, Updates, Vagus Nerve, Well-being, Wellbeing|Comments Off on How to Activate the Vagus Nerve for Relaxation

The Vagus nerve assists our bodies in switching between the flight-or-fight response and the parasympathetic mode, which is when we feel rested and relaxed. It plays a crucial role in our health and wellbeing and can help reduce anxiety and depression, stress and inflammation and increase immunity and longevity.

13 09, 2018

Using Hypnotherapy To Relax When You’re A Driven Person

By |2020-03-16T00:31:07+00:00September 13th, 2018|Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Relax, Relaxation, Work, Work-related stress|Comments Off on Using Hypnotherapy To Relax When You’re A Driven Person

Using Hypnotherapy To Relax When You’re A Driven Person Being a person who thrives on being productive is a good thing—you’re constantly on the move, breaking ground and achieving your goals. However, productivity can also be a reason for you to have a constant source of pressure. Your drive to be productive can result in [...]

9 05, 2018

Coping Strategies for Stress

By |2019-07-18T09:44:57+00:00May 9th, 2018|Anxiety, Depression, Health, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, Relaxation, resilience, Stress, Wellbeing, Wellness, Work-related stress|Comments Off on Coping Strategies for Stress

Coping Strategies for Stress According to the Mental Health Foundation, the UK is a 'stressed nation'. 74% of the UK felt 'overwhelmed or unable to cope' at some point in the past year. The good news is, that there is help out there, and we can learn ways to manage stress, cope better, and [...]

12 04, 2018

Hypnotherapy for Speech Impediments

By |2020-03-16T00:34:11+00:00April 12th, 2018|Anxiety, Health, Hypnotherapy, Positive Thinking, Relaxation, Speech, Speech Impediments, Wellbeing|Comments Off on Hypnotherapy for Speech Impediments

Hypnotherapy for Speech Impediments It can be trying having to deal with a speech impediment. Aside from the physical and mental struggle, it is also an emotional one. Children, as well as adults who have a speech impediment experience a challenging time trying to adjust and face the problem. This can cause communication difficulties [...]

15 03, 2018

How to Sleep Better: Simple Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

By |2019-07-18T09:44:58+00:00March 15th, 2018|Anxiety, Brain, Bristol, Clifton, Fear, Health, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Immune System, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Neuroscience, Performance, Relaxation, Sleep, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on How to Sleep Better: Simple Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

How to Sleep Better : Simple Tips for a Good Night's Sleep Sleep plays an important role in physical and mental health. It is involved in healing, improves learning, and helps us to function at our best during the day. Lack of sleep can affect our daytime functioning, hormonal balance, appetite, and impair our immune [...]

26 02, 2018

What is Anxiety?

By |2019-07-18T09:44:58+00:00February 26th, 2018|Anxiety, Bristol, Clifton, Fear, Health, Hypnotherapy, Mental Health, Positive Thinking, Relaxation, Stress, Thoughts, Updates, Wellbeing|Comments Off on What is Anxiety?

Anxiety It is a natural, biological response that is designed to keep us safe from harm. It is designed to protect us and not, as it sometimes feels, to destroy us. Believe it or not, in general, anxiety is really useful and can help motivate us to complete reports or tasks. Anxiety is often experienced [...]

14 11, 2017

How Hypnosis Works

By |2019-07-18T09:44:59+00:00November 14th, 2017|Anxiety, Brain, Bristol, Clifton, Health, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, IBS, Mental Health, Negative Thinking, Neuroscience, Relaxation, Stress, Updates, Wellbeing, Wellness, Work-related stress|Comments Off on How Hypnosis Works

How Hypnosis Works There is a lot of misinformation out there about Hypnosis.  This article is going to tell you exactly what Hypnosis is - and how it works. Let's dispel some of those myths and misconceptions in the first instance. No, you won't be turned into a clucking chicken and there is no pocket [...]

24 10, 2017

What is Hypnotherapy and what can it do for you?

By |2019-07-18T09:45:28+00:00October 24th, 2017|Bristol, Health, Hypnotherapy, positive, Positive Thinking, Relaxation, Wellbeing|Comments Off on What is Hypnotherapy and what can it do for you?

What is Hypnotherapy and what can it do for you? Hypnotherapy uses the power of positive suggestion to influence a change in our behaviour and the way we respond to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Hypnotherapy is a form of complementary therapy that uses talking therapy and hypnosis to help people make positive change, promote [...]

11 09, 2017

Hypnotherapy for stress, with tips

By |2020-03-16T00:40:19+00:00September 11th, 2017|Anxiety, Brain, Confidence, Exercise, Goal Achievement, Goals, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Meditation, Mental Health, mindful, positive, Positive Thinking, positivity, Relaxation, resilience, Stress, Thoughts, Work-related stress|Comments Off on Hypnotherapy for stress, with tips

Hypnotherapy for stress Research shows that about half a million people in the UK experience work-related stress that they believe is making them ill. Changes in our lives, such as the death of a loved one, a new relationship, a demanding job or job promotion, the birth of a child can also cause higher levels of stress [...]




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