15 01, 2015

An Easy Mindfulness Exercise – Cutting Vegetables

By |2020-02-14T02:56:00+00:00January 15th, 2015|Anxiety, Brain, Cooking, Focus, Focused Attention, Happiness, Hypnotherapy, Meditation, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Motherhood, Neuroscience, Parenting, Positive Thinking, Stress, Thoughts, Updates, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on An Easy Mindfulness Exercise – Cutting Vegetables

An Easy Mindfulness Exercise - Cutting Vegetables I am sharing with you one of my favourite exercises that I learnt to help me practice meditation. After becoming a Mum,  I found it difficult to integrate meditation into my 'new' life, how on earth am I going to sit down for 10 minutes let alone 30? [...]

14 07, 2014

How to Think Yourself Happy

By |2019-07-18T09:45:32+00:00July 14th, 2014|Anxiety, Brain, Bristol, Children, Happiness, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Motherhood, Negative Thinking, Neuroscience, Parenting, Play, Stress, Thoughts, Updates, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on How to Think Yourself Happy

How to Think Yourself Happy I was recently asked to write an article for the popular lifestyle blog 'Wild and Grizzly' written by Lori Taylor Arnold,  a Mum of one, based in Bristol.  Lori asked me to write some tips on 'How to think happy' and explain a little bit about how hypnotherapy works. Here is the blog [...]

16 08, 2012

Attention Density and Neuroplasticity

By |2019-07-18T09:46:10+00:00August 16th, 2012|Anxiety, Brain, Bristol, Focus, Focused Attention, Health, Hypnotherapy, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Negative Thinking, Neuroplasticity, Neuroscience, Positive Thinking, Thoughts, Updates, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on Attention Density and Neuroplasticity

Attention Density and Neuroplasticity My husband shared an article with me this morning. I think it perfectly articulates  the idea of neuroplasticity and how focusing on a single thought or idea repeatedly, affects the dynamics of our brain. The extract below is taken from an interview between David Rock and Jeffery Schwartz. David Rock: One of the [...]

3 08, 2012

Positive Rumination

By |2021-11-16T13:02:55+00:00August 3rd, 2012|Anxiety, Brain, Confidence, Depression, Focus, Focused Attention, Happiness, Mindfulness, Negative Thinking, Neuroplasticity, Neuroscience, Positive Thinking, Thoughts, Updates, Wellbeing, Wellness|Comments Off on Positive Rumination

Positive Thinking A colleague of mine recently shared this wonderful article. It  discusses how negative thoughts and negative words affect the neural networks in our brain - and the how the power of repeating positive affirmations and positive thoughts have a positive impact on brain plasticity.   Any form of negative rumination—for example, worrying about your financial situation, future [...]




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